Na jednom mieste nájdete denne aktualizovaný zoznam posledných 100 výziev a tendrov na predloženie návrhov v rámci Európskej komisie, programu Horizont.
Ak chcete vyhľadať konkrétnu výzvu pomocou kľúčového slova, stlačte kombináciu klávesov Ctrl + F (pre Apple cmd + F).
- Renewable energy financing mechanism multi technology
- Cloud Data and Artificial Intelligence
- Innovative deployable antennas
- Sport Supports - emergency sport actions for youth
- Commodity risk assessment for ornamental plants and plant products
- Call for proposals for ERC Synergy Grant
- Call for Proposals for ERC Starting Grant
- DIGITAL-Chips-2024-CSA-CCC-2
- DIGITAL-Chips-2024-SG-CPL-5
- HORIZON-Chips-2024-RIA-CPL-5
- DIGITAL-Chips-2024-SG-CCC-1
- DIGITAL-Chips-2024-CSA-CDP-1
- Role of nitrate/nitrite and of processing and storage in the N-nitrosamine formation in certain foods
- EP/FINS 2024-112 Special purpose audits on the financial operations of a Property Company 2025-2029
- Services pertaining to legal advice in relation to German real estate
- Study on relevance of consumer rights and protections in the context of energy services of the future
- Bank contract in the name of CoR (Committee of the Regions) for the execution of payments.
- Innovative Health Initiative JU Call 8
- Saving our Seas – Reducing danger of munitions dumped in European seas
- The European Prize for Women Innovators
- The European Innovation Procurement Awards
- Fornitura di energia elettrica e di gas metano a bassa pressione
- Procurement of legal advice - Advice on Luxembourgish legislation
- EU Prize for Women Innovators
- Rengøring og vinduespolering af kontorlokaler i Nuuk, Grønland.
- Provision of interim staff for the European Commission Representation in Hungary
- Servizi di stampa gestiti
- Procurement of EU Emergency Travel Document specimens for notification to third countries
- EU4H Action Grants 2024
- RFCS-2024
- Rent of Real Estate Space for the Visitors’ Centre “Europa Experience” in Sofia, Bulgaria
- NextGenerationEU mediju kampaņas stratēģijas izstrāde un kampaņas īstenošana Latvijā
- Informatīvu un izglītojošu mācību programmu izstrāde un realizācija iekšēju tīklošanās un atbalsta aktivitāšu un mācību nodrošināšanai ED tīkla, EK pārstāvniecības un citu ES informācijas tīklu pārstāvjiem
- Stock-taking study of the co-implementation of Transition pathway for Tourism and EU Agenda 2030
- Attivitá manutentive civili nelle aree nucleari del JRC Ispra da Settembre a Dicembre 2024
- Online promotion services for the activities of the Representation of the European Commission in Hungary in 2024-2028
- Fornitura di materiale di ferramenta
- Achat et maintenance de type « Omnium » des centrifugeuses
- Ceļojumu aģentūras pakalpojumi Eiropas Komisijas pārstāvniecības Latvijā vajadzībām
- Prestación de servicios de asistencia técnica, servicios adicionales y actos de retransmisión por internet (webstreaming)- Madrid y Barcelona
- Accelerating the best use of technologies
- Cloud, data and artificial intelligence
- Advanced Digital Skills
- Accelerating the best use of technologies
- Deployment actions in the area of cybersecurity
- Contribution to the Risk Assessment of Novel Foods and Nutrient Sources in the EU
- Sprogundervisning i den ordregivende myndigheds lokaler i København
- Interregional Innovation Investments Strand 2a
- Interregional Innovation Investments Strand 1
- Comparative analysis of job quality and working conditions in the Western Balkans
- ADS-B Historical Data to perform analysis on GNSS spoofing
- Develop the EU Adriatic-Ionian macro-regional strategy’s and Interreg IPA programmes’ cultural dimensions (2024CE160AT088)
- Reinigung von Industrieanlagenteilen im JRC Karlsruhe
- Quality of Service performance of roaming services and national 5G networks
- Servizio di manutenzione e riparazione delle attrezzature per la ristorazione gestite dall’Unità OIB.LS.3 presso il Centro Comune di Ricerca (JRC) sul Sito della Commissione Europea a Ispra (VA)
- #BeInclusive EU Sport Awards
- Purchase Mobility Particle Class System
- Technical assistance and guidance for implementation of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Regulation
- Medical examination services for the European Commission Representation in Hungary
- Surveillance des medias audiovisuels
- Radioactive transport from JRC-Geel to USA
- Cleaning and repairing of control area clothing
- Microsoft products gap contract for EFCA
- Sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture
- Supply of ammunition to Austria
- Call for proposals on the fight against corruption
- Development of pest survey cards for Union quarantine pests
- PXIe equipment
- Call for Proposals for ERC Advanced Grant
- Practical Guide for judges on the application of the Representative Actions Directive (EU) 2020/1828
- Specific Grant Agreement (SGA) for Developing large-scale European High Performance Computing (HPC) technologies based on RISC-V
- COP - Hiring chauffeur-driven car services. The chauffeurs must be proficient in Danish (C1 level). And must also be intermediate in English (B1 level).
- Prestación de servicios de CORRETAJE DE SEGUROS para la Representación de la Comisión European en España
- Food Waste - support to Stakeholders 2024-2025
- toolbox of available financing products relevant to support investments in the shipping sector.
- Animal Welfare: heat stress in livestock during transport
- Lanthanum-Bromide spectrometer for on-site nuclear safeguards with the COMPUCEA method.
- New actions in fusion energy and for capacity building of a workforce with specialised skills in the nuclear and radiological field
- Technical assistance for the development of the Commission roadmap towards phasing out animal testing for chemical safety assessments
- Supply and maintenance of a Cold room with controlled temperature and humidity
- Durchführung von Luftvolumenstrommessungen in den Lüftungsanlagen des JRC Karlsruhe
- Pathway to animal welfare quantitative risk assessment: piloting a standardised collection of Animal Based Measures in pigs
- Solid State High Power Amplifier
- Chemical impact on Biodiversity
- Insurance broking services
- Quantification and composition analysis of plastics in the residual (mixed) fraction of municipal solid waste
- HERA Action Grants - first wave
- Venue for EPP Group Study Days in Naples from 25-27 September 2024.
- Ex-Ante publicity notice for a service contract for optimising the use of ECHA’s Office building, including workplace design and related service delivery options.
- Call for proposal on assistance, support and integration of third country national victims of trafficking in human beings
- Database of legal entities for DG FINS 2025-2028
- COP - Professional production of printed material
- External Data Quality Assessment of the EWCS 2024 survey - 220701/6959
- Storitve prevoza oseb - najem vozila z voznikom za potrebe Predstavništva Evropske komisije v Sloveniji
- Rent of transport services for Renew Group meeting in Bratislava, Slovakia, from 09/09/2024 to 11/09/2024.
- Analysis of scenarios for Sustainable Transition of Food Systems in Africa
- The impact of reforms supported by the Recovery and Resilience Facility on the digitalisation of public administration.
- COP - Agency workers services